Switchio at Transport Ticketing Global 2022 in London

Switchio at Transport Ticketing Global 2022 in London
Switchio at Transport Ticketing Global 2022 in London

As the global pandemic continues to prevent physical gatherings at trade fairs, the physical version of the Transport Ticketing Global Summit has been moved to February 2022. A digital summit will take place on 20-24 June 2021, with Switchio taking an active part in the online event.

We hope to meet our current and future partners at the digital summit in June, where we will present information about our EMV payment solutions. There has never been a better time to go contactless. 

  • Transport Ticketing Digital Summit: 20-24 June 2021
  • Transport Ticketing Global Conference in London: 1-2 February 2022

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On June 18–19, 2024, Switchio is attending the Power2Drive Conference at ICM München.
Monet+ is pleased to announce an exciting new collaboration between two of its key divisions, Switchio and ProID. Today, digitalization and security are key to success in most types of business. This partnership represents a major milestone in the company’s efforts to advance digitalization and security to new levels, with each division providing unique experience and expertise.